Is That a Dude?
(Inside Lesbian Gender)
Have you ever stared, trying to figure out if someone is male or female? Have you ever wondered why we care so much? This lecture/performance explores “lesbian gender” in the context of cultural misogyny and systems of oppression and discrimination. In the process, she also explores the bigger picture of privilege and oppression (based on race, class, gender, etc). As engaging for primarily heterosexual audiences as for queer audiences, Kimberly Dark argues against the reign of duality in American culture. Yes, the “gender freakout” can be humorous – and tragic, but above all, instructive as we work to create richer, fuller lives and more inclusive social systems.
Audience Responses
Is that a Dude? Inside Lesbian Gender involved an examination of the gender binary and its impact on society’s tolerance for gender variance and its perceptions of sexuality. Through a combination of discussion, interactive exercises, and a series of incisive and insightful personal stories, Ms. Dark makes an excellent case that misogyny still lurks in our culture, informing society’s views of sexuality at a level that for most of us is unconscious. I personally found that having this dynamic revealed, and having language put to it so that the argument can begin to be made to others is greatly empowering. I cannot believe anyone could attend this workshop and not be left with a great deal of food for thought.
– Dr. Annika Miller, Susquehanna University