Audio + Video
Migration Patterns
What does your bra have to do with the prison industrial complex OR What's in your mailbox?Big People on the Airplane, Canadian Obesity Network Conference KeynoteGender, Race and Money |
Things I Learned from Fat People on the PlaneThe Gayness: Love and Hate in America
My Son is a Straight A Student
From Complicated Courtesies at Penn State Cultural Conversations |
For more of Kimberly's videos go to her YouTube Channel - Kimberly Dark Perfoms
And for your listening pleasure . . .
Location is Everything (CD)
Location is Everything combines the best of spoken word performance, storytelling, humor and social activism. From the exquisite narrative arc of “The Summer My Son Turned Sixteen” to the hilarious and illuminating “Public Woman” Dark’s mastery with this art form is clear. |
You Are My Singing Lesson (CD)
“…we relax and let her sensual voice recite the very well-written, well-thought out poems… Kim Dark is the voice you heard that time you saw the one you knew you couldn’t have, the instant you realized all your dreams had come true, and the poetry is the answer to the question you ask everyday. Yes.” |